Really very tired today following a slightly rough night because of a tum problem.

After breakfast a consultant appears with many questions, which I very carefully answer. She’s very pleasant and helpful. Things seem to be progressing as expected 🙄 but she can’t help with my problem😕

Then a very enjoyable FaceTime daughter call. So good to catch up like that.

Following that it’s time for PICC line dressing change with Nurse Carol. It’s quite a long process.

I can’t remember how it happened, but Nurse Carol told me a very long and interesting story about her Mum and Canada.

Bless her, she tells me about her parents and the problems they had, and how it’s affected her and affects now. The fact that he mother had had a partner and daughter in Canada, that her father (in the Philippines) didn’t know about. She’s delightful, but it feels a little odd to be told all this as she carefully changes the dressing on my PICC line.

By the way, she mentions that DAY 5 is the worst day, but it does get better 😊 Her name wasn’t Carol