DAY 4 and I feel ok !! 😊

In my hospital room, there’s an amazing electric bed which does interesting things, and a similar electric chair.
Unfortunately the chair has decided this morning that it wants to be a sun-bed – forever! Nurses have tried to fix it but they’re going to call in the Chairman 🙄sorry

I’m actually impressing myself! Here at DAY 4, I’m very near the edge of The Valley of Doom (see DAY 2 post ) that starts at DAY 5/6, and I’m ok! I’m being very hygiene conscious and infection careful, trying to eat properly, and trying to exercise a bit.

I don’t want to tempt fate, but in 36 hours I’ll be in The Valley of Doom, and at the moment I feel reasonably ok.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it stayed that way.

One comment

  1. The chairman 😄 Really hope you continue to feel okay! Sending healing energy and positive vibes your way Xxxxx

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