It’s 8 in the morning and I’ve just eaten two slices of beautiful pineapple … a lovely way to start the day 😊😋

At 5 days in, I feel fine – though I’m a bit worried that my worrying about becoming unwell will make me feel/be unwell 🤔. And might worrying about my worrying make me feel/be unwell etc etc

Straight after breakfast it’s Sunday Swab time. Apparently Sunday is always body Swab day. I’m given five swabs.

The day drifts on, in a Sunday sort of way, but hits a high point when I find a window where I can see grass, trees and blue sky! I’m thrilled. I’ve missed this for a week.

Later I try to help Mandy with a TV setting problem. We struggle to get a FaceTime link, to help communications, but fail, and press on by phone. I try to talk her in, like someone helping a passenger land a Boeing 747. It rapidly gets a bit tense, and then slowly but steadily dissolves into laughter. Medical treatment has caused separation, we’re missing each other, and relieved to have this contact.

We do manage to land the Boeing.

One comment

  1. Bit late to the Hubble bubble party but catching up and had a (much needed) laugh here at Day 5. Glad the plane landed safely…

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