A BAD start … the nurses have locked themselves out of the kitchen 🙄 so there’s no tea 😕. What next ?

I walked up and down the long ward corridor 3 times yesterday – just to get moving. Later a nurse said, “I noticed you getting some exercise … were you trying to do it while you can?” 😕

That made me think about this diagram (I’m on Day 2), and my progress. I need to keep moving!!

The Transplant Timeline 🤔

I really don’t want to get ‘irritation’ … that’ll make me cross🤣

And then the Consultant and his team arrived.

To summarise what was said:

“It’s going to get tough over the next 10 days – you will be ill – we will look after you – your appetite will disappear – even if you don’t want to eat, you MUST eat enough to heal and recover – exercise is very important, even if you don’t feel up to it, stay positive and focus on the goal”

I’m determined to keep moving through this process, so I plan on walking up and down the long ward corridor at least 10 times a day … carrying my positivity flag 😂

And he actually said that the Ward could do with a BIG positivity flag like mine!!

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