DAY 10

And I’ve reached the end of the DOWN bit, and starting on the UP bit 🎉

I’m in the recovery phase 😊🎉 and very grateful to be there! 🥳

I need to say here, that I’m getting through this … with a little help from my friends … and here’s a big thank you to you all x

I’ve just been given a platelet infusion, because mine were low, and they’re important. Apparently they’re provided by a donor. Wonder if it was a lady or a man. Either way I’m grateful.


  1. Good morning day 10
    It’s sunny and you sound loads better xx
    Have a slow slow day .
    I’m gong out for a walk , yesterday took its toll on me hearing you so poorly . But a good sleep and we are up on the recovery trail together xx
    Seeing you I’ll when you’ve been so well is hard x
    It must be double or more for you
    Keep going waving your
    positivity flag 👏

  2. Temporary mental confusion. Is it too soon to be making jokes about that aspect??!!
    Sorry to hear you have been feeling it – but glad that you are on the upward trend.
    Sunshine coming your way.

  3. Lovely to hear you say you’re on the UP bit! Well done you! We’re all thinking of you here ❤️💫❤️ xxx

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