DAY 11

Well, here I am, starting to climb up out of the dreaded VALLEY OF DOOM, but it feels as though I’m getting caught in thorns, tangled weeds, and nettles, that are slowing me down.

I spent most of yesterday on intravenous drips of various sorts until 1.30 am today. The same’s happening today.

But, I remind myself, these are going to help me escape the VoD 😊🎉

I definitely feel a bit better than I did yesterday, so that’s upward progress 🚀

My consultant came and checked me over this morning, and agreed that things are improving …

So I asked her about going home next weekend, and she just laughed … really laughed 🙄 …. that’s neither helpful nor encouraging, is it? 🫤

I’m really ok actually … maybe a bit tired from the drugs and late nights … and I’m developing a Lucozade addiction 😋

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