DAY 16

A nurse woke me at 2am for ‘Obs’ (BP, temperature etc), and everything was fine. After that I set off for the loo, and suddenly realised “I feel ok! I feel like a proper human being! Everything’s working. This is wonderful!! So back to bed, feeling excited.

But it didn’t last, and by 4am, I realised that the Melphalan is still fighting. OK. Sleep again.
But I’m going to beat you Melphalan.

At 6am the Nurse arrives for my blood test samples.
Then I sleep again.
At least I can sleep well – I’ve missed that.

Later, I’m given my blood test results.

Here’s the updated Neutrophil graph …

If you’re a graphy sort of person, you’ll see that the Neutrophils didn’t increase quite so well yesterday 🙄.

I’m determined to change that today … Melphalan, your days are numbered.

Wish me luck 🙂

There was a multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting today, where all of the different medical disciplines get together to discuss us inmates, and decide on the best way forward, for each of us.

This afternoon a consultant appeared to tell us the result of the meeting.

She looked at me, with compassion, and said “Richard you won’t be leaving this week”. “Thursday!”

Now, I don’t know why she said Thursday. Maybe I looked half witted, and she was trying to tell me what day of the week it is. But I didn’t like to ask because Thursday next week is such a long way away. And I didn’t want that answer.

Who knows?


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