DAY 15

Here’s an update on yesterday’s graph. It shows that my Neutrophils have increased significantly since yesterday 🎉🚀

Increasing Neutrophil levels

It also shows that I’ll probably have enough Neutrophils for discharge by 6th December. But from a talk with my doctor this morning … that may not be everything 😐

The major event of this morning: I popped out of my room to get a towel for my shower. It’s amazing, the cleaners had already been and cleaned the corridor floors. I stopped outside the nurses office, next door to my room, to check on my anticipated discharge date. Still, today 30/11/22!!!
I headed on to get shower towels, slipped and fell.
Almost immediately I was surrounded by nurses … and horribly embarrassed. I was ok. I seem to have the bones of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Eventually, with some help, I was up and off to hide away in my room 😳

One comment

  1. Easy there tiger! Take it easy please. x

    Great to read that the neutrophils are doing their thing.

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