DAY 14

I made a graph today. It’s to show how my neutrophils have increased, every morning. It’s fairly early days, but here it is …

Neutrophils x 1000000000 per litre

Apparently, according to the doctor today, I need to get to about 40 times the 0.12 that I currently have.
So I’m going to keep working at it. (The up bit on the right, is just to show where I need to be)

The problem is that there’s a very high risk of infection. I’ve been warned
about this many times.

I’m almost on the edge of a Howard Hughes syndrome …

But I am ok 😊 I think.
I’ve just had lunch. A typical meal of Kellogg’s Special K and M&S Greek Yoghurt.
I was just finishing, when the yoghurt pot lid caught my attention with the words LIVE YOGHURT.
My panicked thoughts were “No! What have I done?”

This is honestly what went through me head …

Should I make myself sick?

No, their live ….. and swimming around, whatever they are

Maybe my low defences are enough to stop yoghurt

But what if they’re not … this is serious

Calm down! Check the food notes you were given yesterday

Oh! Live Yoghurt is OK 😊


  1. Phew! Glad it’s okay. Would some marmite on toast help your blood yeast? 😄

    Just as importantly, how are your lucozade levels? 🧡 Xx

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