DAY 42

I was a little bit grumpy this morning, because I was very tired.  

The King’s College Hospital physiotherapist said that I’d be a bit tired on the day after a fairly long walk.

But I wonder if she somehow hypnotised me into believing I’d be tired.  She does say things in a convincing way.

How do I unhypnotize myself?

But the day improved as Liz and John (my sister and her husband) called in for a quick visit, before heading back to Penarth.

We sat in the garden, having coffee and biscuits, and catching up.

It was totally enjoyable, as the conversation wandered around all sorts of things. 

And then, a bit like yesterday, I suddenly realised that my body (and mind), really are starting to work well.

I can keep up with, and enjoy, a fairly fast moving conversation.

A proper human being

I’m definitely starting to feel like a proper human being.  

Just that thought makes me a bit emotional – but very smiley at the same time.


  1. A proper human being (can’t work out how to insert emoji’s on this blog)……!!!!!!! Good that your lovely sister came by. Covid taught us all how to be happy doing gardens in inclement weather – there were some upsides after all.

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