DAY 110

Well, a bit better today and quite busy. For various reasons I’ve had to go through a lot of my treatment records – from the very start in February 2022. It’s not the most positive and uplifting thing to do. And I kept loosing papers, forgetting where I was, and being distracted by what I… Continue reading DAY 110

DAY 109

Oh dear … just 4 and a bit days to the Biopsi … it just had to be on DAY 113, didn’t it 🫤

DAY 108

Today, and the last few days have been quite rough, and not nice, a bit like this … I’d totally forgotten, that HubbleBubble drugs accumulate over time, so that the side effects increase as days go by. And one of the big effects is Weird, Utterly Limiting, Fatigue 🥱 It’s not just like being a… Continue reading DAY 108

DAY 105

Some very good PLATELET news ! THEY’RE COMING BACK 🥳

DAY 104

It’s a Hubble Bubble day, and amongst other things, that means lots of steroids. These seem to be hitting me much harder than last year😕 Here are some of the Side Effects which are definitely with me. They arrive very quickly … All three of the last one, are all mine! So if you should… Continue reading DAY 104

DAY 103

Definitely better than yesterday 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 It’s so wonderful when things are improving … even when there’s more Hubble Bubble tomorrow morning 🙄

DAY 102

Both quite tired … BUT things are improving … SLOWLY 🙂 I drive us to Maidstone, and go into my first shop in over 4 months – Halfords to get a new car battery (in the hope that the alarm won’t start again in the middle of the night) 😐🙂 Chemo Ken is really messing… Continue reading DAY 102

DAY 101

Bit very tired today because of car alarm problems at midnight and 1am this morning 🙄🤬☹️ Had a fairly long video phone call with KCH physiotherapist (Shana) this afternoon … The problem with that, is somehow Shana can see right through me … I feel certain that she has more eyes … … than she… Continue reading DAY 101