DAY 57

It’s going to be a good morning, so we’ll head off for a walk in the sun 😊 Rain this afternoon 🙄 Well it’s a VERY BIG day today because it’s the first time that I’ve driven my car in over 10 weeks!   I’m driving us (the about 10 miles) to The Friary, for… Continue reading DAY 57

DAY 56

A good day, but wet. Not much happened. 😊

DAY 55

Blood test 🙄 followed by lovely blue sky walk today. 2,352 Steps! Perfect 😊

DAY 54

It’s been a really lovely Birthday day, today. I’ve felt lots of love and joy from everyone in my family, and friends. And we’ve had some delicious Birthday cake 😋 A perfect day. Thank you everyone x

DAY 53

Mmmm … it’s my Birthday tomorrow. What a year it’s been! This time last year, my Myeloma hadn’t been diagnosed! I was being tested in all sorts of ways, but the problem wasn’t diagnosed until 3rd February. Treatment started on 24th February. I called it ‘Ken’, because I couldn’t say the word Chemotherapy 🙄 Ken… Continue reading DAY 53

DAY 52

Up early and off into hospital for a blood test (again), and to get more tablets.  Only four bottles of blood this time. They’ve cut out the ‘light chain’ test because it’s been stable for about 2 months. A nurse gives me a big bag of boxes of tablets.  Surprisingly there are enough for 3… Continue reading DAY 52

DAY 51

Blood test results today … and here’s a summary: I’m still doing really well, though some results aren’t perfect. The Consultant said that they expect results ‘to wobble a bit’ after Stem Cell Transplant. So they’re going to check it twice a week, now. Isn’t the way that they look after me wonderful 👏👏😊

DAY 50 !!!

AMAZINGLY, YES … THIS DAY 50 So I’m half way to the magical DAY 100. And the Hospital told me today that yesterday’s blood test results are EXCELLENT! And I’m feeling EXCELLENT

DAY 49

This is day 49 😊 … so you know what tomorrow is … DAY 50! and I’m half way to DAY 100 👏👏😊😊👏👏😊🙃💪😊 Tomorrow is BIG PARTY day 🙃🤡🙂 This morning was another Hospital blood test 😊 which was thankfully quick. Right now I’m waiting for a call from King’s College Hospital, and I’ve no… Continue reading DAY 49

DAY 48

A beautiful Blue Sky Walking Day !!! 😊 So we sit having coffee in the garden … Mandy does quite a lot of ‘planty’ stuff, while I supervise 🤣 And then we head off out to The Friary, for a Blue Sky Walking Day Walk 😊. Taking coffee with us, we walk to my favourite… Continue reading DAY 48