DAY 63

Still feeling rocked by yesterday’s chemotherapy news, and waiting for a phone call from King’s College Hospital this afternoon.
No idea what that call will be about. I’ll report back later 😬

Just had the phone call … from a delightful Leonie, who checked on everything to do with my progress.

Two main points came across …

A. My bone marrow is very NEW and working really hard to keep up with my body’s need to produce Platelets, Red Blood Cells, Neutrophils, and loads of other cells, and on top of that 🙄 … hair for my eyebrows and … and …

So it’s a bit like a new factory starting up, and battling to cope with huge demand.

photography of factory
Factory Overload

Because of that, bone marrow cell production is stretched and variable, and there’s no need to worry about things like RDW and Platelets production changes. In fact if you listen very carefully, you’ll probably hear a desperate voice in my bones saying “What DOES he want now?”


B. It’s really important to rest when I’m tired … so that the factory can sort itself out, and keep going 😊

Leonie really pushed this point home … emphasising the need to rest when I feel tired.

l have been known to fight against it sometimes 🥱

Finally Leonie said that my blood test results are excellent 😊🥳👏


  1. Loving the factory analogy.

    Just need to make realistic demands of your resources to keep within manufacturing tolerances. x

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