A positive day … I was due for a Blood Test, and a meeting with my consultant tomorrow – but because of the antibiotic’s side effects I’ve decided not to do either of those. Instead, I should have a phone ‘meeting’ with my consultant tomorrow, and I’ve changed the blood test appointment to next week.… Continue reading DAY 140
Category: Uncategorized
DAY 139
The infection thingy, and it’s associated horrible* antibiotics are a bit wearing … … but today has been a beautiful blue sky day, which we’ve spent, mostly, in the garden. I’m half way through the antibiotics 💊 * here are some of the side effects …
DAY 138
So far, a bit better today – though side effects of the Antibiotic 🥱😵💫🥴 are as dramatic as those of HubbleBubble!
DAY 137
Spoke to Nurses this morning about the infection and today’s blood test. After a while she came back to say … don’t come for blood test today AND from today no more 2 tests every week. Instead it’ll be one every two weeks!👏🎉 Mandy found that Covid jabs were being given at my surgery 🙂… Continue reading DAY 137
DAY 136
It’s been a funny old time. It seems that the Zoledronic Acid infusion that I had last Friday, has caused some unpleasant side effects – hip pain, flu symptoms, faintness … things like that. That was followed by the biopsy on Monday… with all of the associated stress effects (which turned out to be… Continue reading DAY 136
DAY 135
Slightly tough day – details tomorrow 🙂
DAY 134
Yesterday was Biopsy time. The team included Dr Javaid, Nurse Tzaddi, and SCSW Maria Dr Javaid didn’t have a Black & Decker Hammer Drill, didn’t have a screwdriver, and didn’t even have a hole punch. His first (slightly strange) first words to me were “l like your trousers. They’re corduroy aren’t they”. As the… Continue reading DAY 134
DAY 133
11:30, and sitting in the blue sky sunny, but very chilly, garden having coffee. Heading off to hospital in an hour or so. More later 🙄
DAY 132
Very damp and grey, but a pleasant lazy Sunday … … and I can still move like yesterday 🙂🥳 Experiment with pain killers to pick the best times for tomorrow’s BMB (Biopsy) at 2:30.
DAY 131
Lovely blue sky day after the damp grey Zeldronic Acid of yesterday. So coffee in the garden, as we wait for a shopping delivery. Later, feeling a bit tired after all the exertion, I go in for a quick snooze. An hour or so later I wake, and head for the kitchen where Mandy is… Continue reading DAY 131