DAY 84

Today, the steroids really really kicked in – and I’ve been ‘running’ round the house doing lots of jobs and stuff! I checked on my reaction to steroids, last year … it looks very similar to this year … so that explains yesterday 🙂 I’d totally forgotten the ‘NOT GOOD DOZY’ bit 🙄 I’m not… Continue reading DAY 84

DAY 83

WELL! WELL WHAT A DIFFERENCE A WEEK MAKES!! 🤔😊 After a few (18) tablets at home … We’re off to hospital AGAIN for  a midday series of appointments, including more LOVELY Chemo Ken🙄 Compared with last Monday, it was  incredibly smoothly rapidly rapid today. The magical three … Blood Test, Darzalex (1800mg) jab 💉😣, and Velcade… Continue reading DAY 83

DAY 82

We had family friends visiting today, to celebrate Mandy’s Birthday 🎂🎈🥳 with cake and coffee, in the garden It was quite a short visit, but a lovely one, and it made me think. What a very long time it is, since our lives were ‘normal’. The combination of the two spiky devils, Covid and Ken,… Continue reading DAY 82

DAY 81

The consultant phoned, yesterday afternoon  – and apologised for changing my Chemo Ken Velcade dose, without telling me that he had 🙄.   Apart from that, everything is fine, though I wonder what next Monday (after last Monday) will bring?  There’s nothing major to report today, except that I’ve started turning HubbleBubble into a book 😊 So I… Continue reading DAY 81

DAY 80

Today, is DAY 80, and I’m in love! In love with my immune system x And that’s because, it was deliberately, totally, and completely knocked out in November at King’s College Hospital. But now it has fought it’s way back, and kept me safe this week, after a fairly wretched infection that I picked up… Continue reading DAY 80

DAY 79

Well! Today I am …… Mr Coldy and Sneezy! I’m pretty sure that I caught this horrible moldy cold on last horrible Monday … DAY 76 … when some bad things happened. Sure, because I don’t get out much at the moment – apart from to Hospital, and the Friary🙄 … and the Friary is… Continue reading DAY 79

DAY 78

I woke this morning as Mr Equanimity (the  state of being calm and in control of your emotions) and I rather like it. I think I’ll stay as Mr E. And we had a lovely daffodily walk at the Friary today … I happily managed 2745 steps A perfect day xx

DAY 77

So much better than the rather unpleasant yesterday. The Steroids have really kicked in, and now I feel very dynamic … I feel as though I’ve been whizzing about everywhere, but I don’t think Mandy would agree 🙄 King’s College Hospital are due to phone this afternoon for a checkup – so I’m trying to… Continue reading DAY 77

DAY 76

I’m sorry that this is a bit long BUT it’s been a really horribly awfully bad day in the office hospital today 🫤 I arrived, registered with reception, and had my blood test. Only 3 bottles today, rather than the normal 5. That’s the day’s good news 😊🎉 Then back to reception to register for… Continue reading DAY 76

DAY 75

Well, I’m not sure, but I think that I may be a bit better than yesterday, but maybe not. My mobility is really not what it should be. I’m working really hard on my positivity … … because I need to right now. Though I feel a bit like this … … slightly lost in… Continue reading DAY 75