Stress, Risk and Worries

Should I phone Hospital to ask how things are progressing???? Do they have a date in mind, for my transplant? ………… I’ve just phoned, and talked with the Specialist Myeloma SCT nurse, Susan. Apparently they’ve had problems because the Derek Mitchell Ward had to be closed for a while. The Derek Mitchel ward is a… Continue reading Stress, Risk and Worries

Washed Up!

We had a meeting with my local Consultant, here in Kent yesterday. He said that it was a ‘wash up’ meeting. His support through Hubble Bubble (chemo), from February to June, has been superb. Apparently all of my Stem Cell treatment will now be managed by my hospital in London. A hundred days after the… Continue reading Washed Up!

Preparation Part 1

This is a waiting time.   Last week (1st September onwards) I did not wait very well … in fact I waited really really badly. I waited impatiently for the post to arrive, and for the phone to ring, and (to use a lovely old word) was disgruntled when there was no news from hospital. … Continue reading Preparation Part 1


Tuesday 30th August 2020 I phoned the Specialist Nurse again on Tuesday (30th) but no news 😕, and the nurse sounded really exhausted. We get on with jobs about the house. Wednesday 31st August 2020 I’ve been having trouble adding a page to the Hubble Bubble website, and after a lot of effort it eventually… Continue reading !BIG NEWS!

27th>29th August

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Saturday 27th I spend several hours searching Google for good information on Stem Cell Count numbers, essential for an efficient and effective transplant … And find that the US Virginia Cancer Institute’s website indicates that: “An optimal number of stem cells to support rapid bone marrow recovery and blood cell production after treatment with high-dose… Continue reading 27th>29th August

24th>26th August (news)

 Wednesday 24th We thought today would be a peaceful day and that we both could  recover a bit.  But unfortunately I had a phone appointment with the hospital psychology department for a check-up.    Apparently apart from thoroughly checking your body they check your mind to. I understand why, and am grateful for that. BUT… Continue reading 24th>26th August (news)

2nd Apheresis

Tuesday 23rd August 2022 Up at 5am … again 🙄 Tiny breakfast, and small cup of hot water 😋 Oh dear … it’s a lovely day …  and I’d really like to stay and have a coffee in the garden, but …  Ready by 6am, and car arrives at 6:05 – so off we go… Continue reading 2nd Apheresis

1st Apheresis

22nd August 2022 Apheresis: a process to remove a blood component (in this case stem cells) and return the remainder to the patient Up at 5am, after a truly horribly bad nights lack of sleep! Quite a lot of pain from my self-inflicted injections, so at 3am I take some pain killers. I think that… Continue reading 1st Apheresis

The Start

I’m going to add separate pages to Hubble Bubble to describe what happened … Before I was diagnosed, When I was diagnosed, and After I was diagnosed with Myeloma. I will start adding to the blog daily, from today, to describe what’s happening and how I’m feeling.  This may help someone, somewhere, sometime – and… Continue reading The Start