DAY 67

A beautiful day, here, as we head towards Spring, and daffodils are appearing 😊 I’m still trying to answer yesterday’s question … ‘What is?’ and ‘Why am I having?’ the HubblyBubbly thing that’s kicking off on Monday??? After a lot of Google searches, I’ve sent a question to … whilst thinking, ‘why on Earth… Continue reading DAY 67

DAY 66

A bit of a funny old day today … trying to do jobs that need to be done, before the restart of HubblyBubbly Ken. I’ve no idea how chemotherapy will affect me, after Stem Cell Transplant. Absolutely anything could happen! But I’m going to try to find answers to my ‘What?’ and ‘Why?’ questions. Maybe… Continue reading DAY 66

DAY 65

It was a bit of a rush this morning, as we had to de-ice the car (which was incredibly icy) before heading off to hospital for another 🙄 blood test. After quite a quick blood test, I check my next appointments with reception. And here’s what I was given: I was horrified to see an… Continue reading DAY 65

DAY 64

A pleasant and very cold icy day. In the middle of all the pleasantness there’s a phone call from a nurse at our local hospital about the imminent Ken/Chemo 😐 There are lots and lots of questions 😯 And then back to pleasantness 😊 My car alarm turned on and off most of last night🙄.… Continue reading DAY 64

DAY 63

Still feeling rocked by yesterday’s chemotherapy news, and waiting for a phone call from King’s College Hospital this afternoon. No idea what that call will be about. I’ll report back later 😬 Just had the phone call … from a delightful Leonie, who checked on everything to do with my progress. Two main points came… Continue reading DAY 63

DAY 62

Another Blood Test today … (on a very very grey miserable wet Monday) 🙁🙄 It’s a chance for me to collect my blood test results for last Thursday’s Blood Test. I’m looking forward to seeing how my blood’s RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width) level is.   And here’s what I found: So my RDW (in yellow) is… Continue reading DAY 62

DAY 61

Lovely lazy day 😊😊 with a Sunny Blue Sky 😊😊 We do ‘Sunday things’ 📰 ☕️☕️ 📺🌷🌻🍳👩‍🍳😴😴📝✍️📞 Walk in circles around the garden, and achieve 888 steps! I didn’t realise our garden was so big 😳

DAY 60

I’m 60% of the way to DAY 100 😊🎉 There’ll be cake and blackcurrant juice this afternoon 🥳 And weirdly my eyebrows have suddenly started growing long, and quite rapidly ! Nobody told me that this would happen … At the same time the hair on my face has started growing quickly – but (much) more on the… Continue reading DAY 60

DAY 59

No blood test today, and we have a lovely lazy time. It’s a blue sky sunny 😎😎 We spend 3+ hours in the garden having coffee, doing jobs, me walking, having lunch, and relaxing. We don’t talk about, or even think about the problem mentioned yesterday. A perfect day 😊 I walk 600 steps (in… Continue reading DAY 59

DAY 58

Yet another blood test this morning 🙄 And I was given my latest test results: I’ve been a bit worried, recently, about my haemoglobin things in general, and RDW in particular. I haven’t mentioned it here before, in case it caused any worries. RDW is a measure of the uniformity of red blood cells. The bigger… Continue reading DAY 58