DAY 130

Here we go again … Into Hospital for 8:15 am 🫤🥱 for, first, another blood test. After that, it was time for a Zeldronic Acid infusion. So I waited. Had a cup of tea. Battled with a crossword. A nurse came and apologised … saying that they were waiting for the results of my blood… Continue reading DAY 130

DAY 129

I’m a little over excited today, because I’m starting to feel … a bit Normal! I managed to change my appointments this week, so that I’m in Hospital on only two days. I had a🩸Blood Test on Monday, and tomorrow (Friday) at 8:30 🥱 it’s another Bloomin🩸Blood Test and a (frighteningly named) Zoledronic Acid infusion.… Continue reading DAY 129

DAY 128

A day off again today, after spending a lot of time yesterday organising appointment times. Mobility is still a BIG problem. I’ve upped my pain killers to 8 a day, and we’re hoping that the problem will disappear with time. It’s very limiting, and looks a bit like this …

DAY 127

A day off today … so catch up tomorrow 🧐😊

DAY 126

Off for another bloomin Blood Test, this morning … Back soon 😊 … … All done, and that was OK. The nurse said that I’m looking stronger every time she sees me 💪💪 After that, we head off to Maidstone for some shopping. I’m struggling a bit today with pain in my left hip …… Continue reading DAY 126

DAY 125

Woke up feeling lively and dynamic, and doing breakfasty things, before Mother’s day coffee and cake with Mandy and Max in the garden. But after that, I’ve been a bit like this … … for the rest of the day. Tomorrow might be a bit interesting as I try to sort out what’s happening HubblyBubbly… Continue reading DAY 125

DAY 124

A very relaxed chill out day, today I’m starting to feel a little better, as the steroids and Velcade disappear 🫠 … and that’s really quite exciting 😊 We tried to get me a Covid vaccination because I have no protection from anything at the moment. Unfortunately the medical centre was closed, so we’ll try… Continue reading DAY 124

DAY 123

Our world changed again yesterday, when I went for my blood test.   After the test I was given another list of appointments – for the next two months.   It was all about Chemo, in fact it was two more cycles of what I’ve been doing – and am just finishing.  So I phoned… Continue reading DAY 123

DAY 122

Another interesting day 🙄 … “Today was a Difficult Day,” said Pooh. There was a pause. “Do you want to talk about it?” asked Piglet. “No,” said Pooh after a bit. “No, I don’t think I do.” “That’s okay,” said Piglet, and he came and sat beside his friend. “What are you doing?” asked Pooh.… Continue reading DAY 122

DAY 121

A thankfully quiet and calm day 😊😊 We get a lot done, and this blue sky day gently gets better – and so do we. Mandy’s right foot is no longer like this … But a bit more like this … Tomorrow I have another Blood Test🙄 I wonder what my reception will be like… Continue reading DAY 121