Wednesday 24th We thought today would be a peaceful day and that we both could recover a bit. But unfortunately I had a phone appointment with the hospital psychology department for a check-up. Apparently apart from thoroughly checking your body they check your mind to. I understand why, and am grateful for that. BUT… Continue reading 24th>26th August (news)
Category: Uncategorized
2nd Apheresis
Tuesday 23rd August 2022 Up at 5am … again Tiny breakfast, and small cup of hot water
Oh dear … it’s a lovely day … and I’d really like to stay and have a coffee in the garden, but … Ready by 6am, and car arrives at 6:05 – so off we go… Continue reading 2nd Apheresis
1st Apheresis
22nd August 2022 Apheresis: a process to remove a blood component (in this case stem cells) and return the remainder to the patient Up at 5am, after a truly horribly bad nights lack of sleep! Quite a lot of pain from my self-inflicted injections, so at 3am I take some pain killers. I think that… Continue reading 1st Apheresis
The day before my Stem Cells are collected
It’s Sunday 21st August, and I’m a slightly anxious about tomorrow. Slightly anxious because I must be in hospital in London by 8:30am to have my stem cells collected. At 4 this morning I knew that the (G-CSF) injections I’ve been giving myself we’re working (hooray!) I knew because I had a quite intense pulsating… Continue reading The day before my Stem Cells are collected
The Start
I’m going to add separate pages to Hubble Bubble to describe what happened … Before I was diagnosed, When I was diagnosed, and After I was diagnosed with Myeloma. I will start adding to the blog daily, from today, to describe what’s happening and how I’m feeling. This may help someone, somewhere, sometime – and… Continue reading The Start
Hello everyone!
This is the first post for the Hubble Bubble blog. Why Hubble Bubble? I hear you wonder? Well, in Shakespeare’s play ‘Hamlet’, Three Witches dance around a boiling cauldron, as they add ghastly ingredients to a truly horrible concoction and sing (or croak) the words “Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble” I… Continue reading Hello everyone!