AMAZINGLY, YES … THIS DAY 50 So I’m half way to the magical DAY 100. And the Hospital told me today that yesterday’s blood test results are EXCELLENT! And I’m feeling EXCELLENT
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DAY 49
This is day 49 😊 … so you know what tomorrow is … DAY 50! and I’m half way to DAY 100 👏👏😊😊👏👏😊🙃💪😊 Tomorrow is BIG PARTY day 🙃🤡🙂 This morning was another Hospital blood test 😊 which was thankfully quick. Right now I’m waiting for a call from King’s College Hospital, and I’ve no… Continue reading DAY 49
DAY 48
A beautiful Blue Sky Walking Day !!! 😊 So we sit having coffee in the garden … Mandy does quite a lot of ‘planty’ stuff, while I supervise 🤣 And then we head off out to The Friary, for a Blue Sky Walking Day Walk 😊. Taking coffee with us, we walk to my favourite… Continue reading DAY 48
DAY 47
Nothing to report today (1/1/23). Continuing to get stronger, and more mobile. I checked and topped up Mandy’s car tyres 👏👏 Had a slightly weird message from King’s College Hospital about a phone appointment on Tuesday … But life is good 😊😊
DAY 46
Well, another day to chill, and think back over 2022. For me like many people, I guess, the worst part of 2022 is the horrendous terrorist attack on Ukraine. A really good part of 2022, for me/us is the way that we’ve worked through my Myeloma diagnosis back in February, followed by four months of… Continue reading DAY 46
DAY 45
It’s Friday, and a lazy (very wet) day after a good week. Important to have a lazy day, because I’m very tired after yesterday’s activities. It totally amazes me how fatigue kicks in after (in my terms, a lot of) physical or mental activity. But I’m absolutely thrilled at the way I’m becoming a bit… Continue reading DAY 45
DAY 44
Bloomin’ hospital assessment day 🙄 don’t like these, and don’t want to be in hospital as I am, now. Do I have any problems? Yes, the Doctor is late, and that’s a problem because I want to go for a walk around Rochester castle … and it’s a blue sky day again. Any medical problems… Continue reading DAY 44
DAY 43
Off to hospital for blood test … followed by long phone call from King’s to check up on any/all of my symptoms. At the blood test they tell me that I’m doing very very well. My Paraproteins are undetectable … that’s amazing! Everything is getting better … I suspect that they’re thinking that I’m becoming… Continue reading DAY 43
DAY 42
I was a little bit grumpy this morning, because I was very tired. The King’s College Hospital physiotherapist said that I’d be a bit tired on the day after a fairly long walk. But I wonder if she somehow hypnotised me into believing I’d be tired. She does say things in a convincing way.… Continue reading DAY 42
DAY 41
Sunny blue sky day😊 with a pleasant slow start morning. After lunch we set off for the Friary, and a walk in the sunshine. Our first since the transplant! I honestly feel really excited at the thought of walking in fresh air under blue sky. The King’s College Hospital physiotherapist told me on Thursday to… Continue reading DAY 41