And I’ve reached the end of the DOWN bit, and starting on the UP bit I’m in the recovery phase
and very grateful to be there!
I need to say here, that I’m getting through this … with a little help from my friends … and here’s a big thank you to… Continue reading DAY 10
Category: Uncategorized
I’m ok, but I have an infection and I’ve lost my glasses so I can’t see to write . 2pm. It’s been quiet a rough day because of antibiotics and tum problems, but I feel a bit better now
DAY 8 and more than half way through the VALLEY OF DOOM ! AND I feel OK The Melphalan is doing its very important job of ‘seek and kill’
any Myeloma cells it finds. It also affects my digestion a bit, so I have tablets for that. But yesterday, after a Doctor session, they… Continue reading DAY 8
I was woken, in the dark, at 5:00 this morning by a voice which said … “Richard! I’m here for your blood!” It’s going to be a good day
5pm It’s been a strange day
I did get a chance to see blue sky this morning, from my special window … I’ve… Continue reading DAY 7
DAY 6 and all, or almost all, is good It’s 10 am, and there’s an imminent Ward Round. I need to think of anything that needs reporting … I can’t think of anything
They’re here, all 6 of them, and we talk about everything I’m experiencing. All the little bits ‘n pieces that… Continue reading DAY 6
It’s 8 in the morning and I’ve just eaten two slices of beautiful pineapple … a lovely way to start the day At 5 days in, I feel fine – though I’m a bit worried that my worrying about becoming unwell will make me feel/be unwell
. And might worrying about my worrying make… Continue reading DAY 5
DAY 4 and I feel ok !! In my hospital room, there’s an amazing electric bed which does interesting things, and a similar electric chair. Unfortunately the chair has decided this morning that it wants to be a sun-bed – forever! Nurses have tried to fix it but they’re going to call in the… Continue reading DAY 4
Really very tired today following a slightly rough night because of a tum problem. After breakfast a consultant appears with many questions, which I very carefully answer. She’s very pleasant and helpful. Things seem to be progressing as expected but she can’t help with my problem
Then a very enjoyable FaceTime daughter call. So… Continue reading DAY 3
A BAD start … the nurses have locked themselves out of the kitchen so there’s no tea
. What next ? I walked up and down the long ward corridor 3 times yesterday – just to get moving. Later a nurse said, “I noticed you getting some exercise … were you trying to do… Continue reading DAY 2
There’s a bit of a technical problem here at HubbleBubble due to lack of forward planning. So, blog posts will be a bit limited. Day ZERO went well, and my stem cells rushed home, so that they took half of the expected time. Must have been a mutual attraction thing going on. Today, Day ONE,… Continue reading DAY 1