I’m fantasising about a cup of tea, as Nurse Maisy arrives to measure my BP and stuff. And bless her she gets me a cup of tea. That’s so much better. Now for a shower, this could be a challenge. I was given a whole lot of infection detection swabs last night, for various… Continue reading Maisy & France
Category: Uncategorized
Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner!
First night in Hospital Monday 1:30 am! – woken by ward doctor , and medical check up/exam follows
And now I’m writing this 01:57 am. Ooooo this is a very strange 24 hour world That’s never happened to me before! Lots of Doctory questions hot/cold/aches/pains/smoke/alcohol/ etc etc. I can’t remember, & wonder what I… Continue reading Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner!
Hospital phone call at 10:55 today … “Are you aware that you’re on the list, and you may be admitted today? 1:30 pm … place your bets … IN or NOT? 2 pm … Now been advised to book transport, and wait until 6pm for confirmation
Oh bloomin bloomin ……….. It’s on! I… Continue reading STRANGER & STRANGER
Alice & Zoella
Alice phoned from Hospital this morning And she must have taken a very deep breath before contacting us
Because she said that there was absolutely no bed availability in the week ahead, and that … it may be like that until December
Oh well!! Being positive, we will enjoy the rest of… Continue reading Alice & Zoella
“From Scratch”
A few evenings ago we wanted to watch something easy and relaxing on TV. Something where I wouldn’t have to keep asking “Who’s that?”. Heading for Netflix, we randomly picked a film, called ‘From Scratch’ . And watched three and a half of the eight episodes. It was really enjoyable, and easy to watch. … Continue reading “From Scratch”
It’s a date!
I’ve been thinking about having a really exciting competition, here on HubbleBubble, to predict the date that I’d (eventually) be admitted to hospital There’d be a totally thrilling £5 prize for the reader who guesses the nearest date
But then I remembered that some years ago, when I was a fully-functional* human… Continue reading It’s a date!
I’ve been getting a bit edgy recently, because of the constant delays to Hospital admission … … and the need to arrange, cancel, and re-arrange transport. I’ve also been having concerns/worries/fears that the insidious Myeloma (very-creepy-bad-thing) might start quietly, sinisterly and sneekily reappearing. SO … I decided to make a total pain of myself and… Continue reading WOW!!!
No Admission
Well … as instructed, I waited until 12:00 to phone the Hospital Bed Manager, to check my admission that’s booked for today, Sunday. Once again, pretty well as I expected, it couldn’t be done, because of bed unavailability. The main problem is that the treatment that patients like me have (and I will have) totally… Continue reading No Admission
Shopping Damage
For the last two and a half years and a bit, one of my jobs has been ordering our home food shopping deliveries And I’ve grown to enjoy the power of my position
Yesterday, I created next week’s shopping list and ran through it with my manager, aka Amanda (my wife) She was… Continue reading Shopping Damage
Take Your Picc
It’s five o’clock in the morning. We need to be ready for Hospital transport It’s PICC line fitting day. So I’ll have new plumbing in my body by the time we head home
Our driver arrives at 6:30 – very calm, white shirt clean, and pleasant. It’s a good journey to… Continue reading Take Your Picc