DAY 4 and I feel ok !! 😊 In my hospital room, there’s an amazing electric bed which does interesting things, and a similar electric chair. Unfortunately the chair has decided this morning that it wants to be a sun-bed – forever! Nurses have tried to fix it but they’re going to call in the… Continue reading DAY 4


Really very tired today following a slightly rough night because of a tum problem. After breakfast a consultant appears with many questions, which I very carefully answer. She’s very pleasant and helpful. Things seem to be progressing as expected 🙄 but she can’t help with my problem😕 Then a very enjoyable FaceTime daughter call. So… Continue reading DAY 3


A BAD start … the nurses have locked themselves out of the kitchen 🙄 so there’s no tea 😕. What next ? I walked up and down the long ward corridor 3 times yesterday – just to get moving. Later a nurse said, “I noticed you getting some exercise … were you trying to do… Continue reading DAY 2


There’s a bit of a technical problem here at HubbleBubble due to lack of forward planning. So, blog posts will be a bit limited. Day ZERO went well, and my stem cells rushed home, so that they took half of the expected time. Must have been a mutual attraction thing going on. Today, Day ONE,… Continue reading DAY 1


Today is day Zero …  the day that I get my stem cells back.   These are my own Stem Cells that were collected on 22nd and 23rd August. Yesterday was day ‘Minus One’, and a very long day too, with lots of fluids being pushed around me. The main fluid was Melphalan. And now I’m… Continue reading DAY ZERO!!!

Maisy & France

I’m fantasising about a cup of tea, as Nurse Maisy arrives to measure my BP and stuff.  And bless her she gets me a cup of tea.   That’s so much better. Now for a shower, this could be a challenge. I was given a whole lot of infection detection swabs last night, for various… Continue reading Maisy & France

Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner!

First night in Hospital Monday 1:30 am!  – woken by ward doctor 👩‍⚕️, and medical check up/exam follows 🙄 And now I’m writing this 01:57 am. Ooooo this is a very strange 24 hour world That’s never happened to me before! Lots of Doctory questions hot/cold/aches/pains/smoke/alcohol/ etc etc.  I can’t remember, & wonder what I… Continue reading Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner!


Hospital phone call at 10:55 today … “Are you aware that you’re on the list, and you may be admitted today? 😬😳 1:30 pm … place your bets … IN or NOT? 2 pm … Now been advised to book transport, and wait until 6pm for confirmation 😳😬 Oh bloomin bloomin ……….. It’s on! I… Continue reading STRANGER & STRANGER

Alice & Zoella

Alice phoned from Hospital this morning 😊 And she must have taken a very deep breath before contacting us 😧 Because she said that there was absolutely no bed availability in the week ahead, and that … it may be like that until December 🫤 Oh well!! Being positive, we will enjoy the rest of… Continue reading Alice & Zoella

“From Scratch”

A few evenings ago we wanted to watch something easy and  relaxing on TV. Something where I wouldn’t have to keep asking 🤨 “Who’s that?”. Heading for Netflix, we randomly picked a film, called ‘From Scratch’ . And watched three and a half of the eight episodes. It was really enjoyable, and easy to watch. … Continue reading “From Scratch”